“What did the night meant to say with its stars? And my heart, what did my heart meant to say?” “¿Qué me quiso decir la
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“What did the night meant to say with its stars? And my heart, what did my heart meant to say?” “¿Qué me quiso decir la
Read more“My basic idea is that people be aware of time passing” “Mi idea fundamental es que la gente sea consciente del tiempo que pasa” Esther
Read more“Close your eyes Fall in love Stay there” Yalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Para poder ver el video solicita una cuenta en Busilis In order To
Read more“Poverty is not about the loss of richness, but about the multiplication of desires” “La pobreza no viene por la disminución de las riquezas, sino
Read more“η σιωπή είναι το πώς μπορείτε να μάθετε να ακούτε” “Being silent is how one learn to listen” “Estando en silencio es como se aprende
Read more“To be a slave to oneself is the most serious, the heaviest of all easements” “Ser esclavo de sí mismo es la más grave, la
Read more“It is utterly false an cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into chilhood, all the work in the middle age, and all
Read moreUNDÆ! Radio nºs 122 y 123, 10 y 17 de mayo 1026. Si hablamos de Zyklus, Fases, Scorecrackers, Centro de Encuentro para el Desarrollo Interactivo,
Read more“Mi frustración era no ser astronauta y por fin lo he conseguido” “My frustration was not being an astronaut and finally I succeeded” Hector Crehuet
Read more“For me, music and life are all about style” “Para mí, en la música y en la vida, todo es estilo” Miles Davis Derivative from:
Read more“Nimmt keinen Geist in eure Söldnerspflicht! Versucht es nicht, das Sonnenroß zu lähmen!” “¡No toméis al Espíritu por vuestro siervo! ¡No intentéis detener los corceles
Read more“The mind does its perceiving in terms of intensity of existence” “La mente obtiene su percepción en función de la intensidad de la existencia” Aldous
Read moreHoms is completely devastated by the battles and bombings that threaten Syria during the Civil War. From 2011 onwards, the government and the Syrian rebels
Read more“MOON, for what do you wait ? ” ” To salute the sun for whom I must make way/” R. Tagore http://symbionts.es/core/stray-byrds/
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