Music & Sound Art
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[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Ondequetametio[/custom_headline]
Ondequetametio was the first immersive virtual world designed for reducing pain.
Pain perception has a strong psychological component. The same incoming pain signal can be interpreted as painful or not, depending on what the people is thinking.
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Galumphingh”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Galumphing[/custom_headline]
Galumphing is an improvisation project formed by the guitarist Juan Carlos Castillo and the percussionist Pedro López.
The essence of this project is based on a simple philosophy:
do and be …
for pure pleasure
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[button type=”real” shape=”square” size=”mini” href=”” title=”Ondequetametio”]Busilis page[/button]
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[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]El Intruso[/custom_headline]
El intruso is a comprehensive, collective and contemporary concept for musical creation, production, management, and action. In other words, it is a global redefinition of the approach to the musical discipline.
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[prompt class=”man” type=”left” title=”Symbionts” message=”Existe una marginación cada vez más acusada de sentimientos como la amistad y la solidaridad en el ámbito de las acciones humanas. Symbionts nace como una plataforma socio-cultural que pretende paliar o revertir la incidencia de este fenómeno en el actual modelo de vida.” button_text=”more info” href=”” button_icon=”thumbs-up” circle=”true”]
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[prompt class=”man” type=”left” title=”Stray Birds” message=”A same concert from different perspectives. Moving concert with backpacks” button_text=”more info” href=”” button_icon=”thumbs-up” circle=”true”]
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[prompt class=”man” type=”left” title=”is alive within me” message=”Permanent derivative online project in tribute to the memory of Ornette Coleman” button_text=”more info” href=”” button_icon=”thumbs-up” circle=”true”]
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Modisti”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Modisti[/custom_headline]
Experimental Music & Sound Art Archive from 1995 to 2015
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Busilis”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Busilis[/custom_headline]
Busilis is a collaborative art network project
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Old Projects
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Leuclade”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Leuclade[/custom_headline]
Leuclade was a project that integrates poetry, voice, sound, video. improvisation and other diverse elements
Leuclade consisted to
Maite Dono: poesía voz, performance
Pedro López: sonido, video, programación
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”2l2code”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]2l2code[/custom_headline]
2l2code was a duet composed by Merran Laginestra (voice, electronics) and Pedro López (electronics). We were developing a series of sound pieces in which the live voice is part of the electronic texture generated by various processes from the treatment of sources to arrive at the limit of our capacity to recognize their human condition.
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Scorecrackers”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Scorecrackers[/custom_headline]
Pedro López: electroacustic percussion, samplings, etc.
Markus Breuss: trumpet, electronics, invented instruments,etc.
La formación más iconoclasta de la escena improvisadora nacional….un alarido electroacústico” (Jesús Moreno)
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[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Fases[/custom_headline]
Dúo width Saxophon player Wade Matthews. Two musicians,one from Madrid, the other from New York, use musical improvisation as a means of expression and exploration, Investigating and exploiting sound, electroacoustics, time and flow, seeking, and finding in precision, the elasticity and energy of a musical dialog.
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Zyklus”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Zyklus[/custom_headline]
Zyklus, se creó al final de los años 80. Wade Matthews: saxofonista, el contrabajista Baldo Martínez y Pedro López: batería y percusionista madrileño, desarrollador de estilos innovadores y de baterías diseñadas con panderos afinados y percusión africana.
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[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Modisti[/custom_headline]
Duo with Belma Martin (voice), Modisti is a sound area of a very complex and yet simple world. It is what we can no longer remedy, what comes out in such a way because that’s the way we are and nowadays, in this day and age, it couldn’t be in any other way.
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[promo class=”man” image=”” alt=”Slesh”]
[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Slesh[/custom_headline]
Slesh is commonly used in place of cool or rad. but…
What the hell is slesh?
Slesh is a duo : Markus Breuss and Pedro Lopez.
From the beginning Slesh, following his instinct, is oriented to find alternative ways in which they develop their dialogues / monologues.
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[custom_headline class=”mtn” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]hurly burly[/custom_headline]
La revista Hurly Burly nació con vocación informativa para trasladar a los entonces socios del CEDI (Centro de Encuentro para el Desarrollo Interactivo), aquellos textos relacionados con la improvisación libre que, por no estar traducidos al castellano o por cualquier otra causa resultan inaccesibles.
Nuestra tarea informativa encontró, después de tres años y dieciseis números en la interactividad ofrecida por internet una via alternativa para ofrecer, a todos los interesados en este tipo de manifestaciones, mucho mas que simplemente información. Por lo tanto, y no solamente por razones ecológicas, dicha publicación, se hizo en ese momento mucho mas importante en la red que sobre el papel para convertirse en modisti.
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Recent Collaborations
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