“Technology can be compared to a hammer. It doesn’t care if you use it to build a house or crush someone’s skull”
“La tecnología puede ser comparada con un martillo. No importa si lo usa para construir una casa o aplastar el cráneo de alguien”
Noam Chomsky
Para poder ver el video solicita una cuenta en Busilis
In order To see the video, request an account at Busilis

Googlebots threat
Your content has violated our policies recently.
It is not allowed to send spam as a promotional or commercial content unwanted or mass or unwanted requests.
If you continue to violate them, you may be deter you from using some or all features of Google+ and other Google services. More information”
This content just to be considered spam by Google + violating its policies. The bright little head that has made this consideration, it is possible that has not realized that is an explicit denunciation of violence promoted in a videogame and therefore not allow me to post it on the Busilis profile. Busilis publishes only a weekly post.
However in my personal self profile:
Above are allowed to give advice on what to publish. Do not miss it…
“Tips for creating content Google+
Select the right audience
One of the most interesting features of Google+ is to select the circles and people you want to share content, as in real life. Before sharing content, devotes a moment to consider whether the content of interest to your audience. Remember that users can flag content as spam and other violations, and content that violates the policy content and conduct Google+ user will be deleted.
Contribute to the conversation
Make sure you write comments in a publication are appropriate and contribute to the conversation. The owners of the publication can delete comments deemed inappropriate, vulgar or unrelated to the conversation. In addition, we remove the comments made improper use under our policies. The fact repeatedly posting offensive comments or unrelated to the conversation can lead to the suspension Google+ profile.
Add interesting people to circles
Google+ encourages you to add people to circles to follow and share content with you. Add people you care about, but do not add people to your circles excessively to get more followers.
Not restricted share content
commercial content or spam
Do not use Google+ to distribute promotional or commercial content, unsolicited or unwanted or mass or unwanted offers.
Pornography or sexually explicit material
Google+ does not support pornography or sexually explicit material. Most nudity are not allowed, especially in a sexual context. There are exceptions for educational, documentary, scientific, and artistic content, but only if that is the only purpose of the content and if it is not merely graphic.
Content violent, shocking or unpleasant
The world is a dangerous place. Sometimes it is inevitable that certain events are photographed or written about them. However, you should not publish mainly shocking, sensational or disrespectful violent or morbid content. If the content is graphic or disturbing, it should be analyzed with additional context and information. For example, include images of a slaughterhouse in a publication on industrial production of farm animals may be appropriate. However, include images unrelated and gruesome slaughter of animals is unjustified.
Google+ serves to share and interact with the community in respectful ways. If your intention is to attack, harass, demean, or impersonate others, this is not your place.
illegal activities
Google+ should not be used for illegal or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities purposes. If found engaging in any such activity, we may suspend your profile, report to the appropriate judicial authorities or take other appropriate action.
If you violate the policy content and user behavior Google+, your Google+ access may be limited or suspended.”
Is it not that when you post something on Google+ appears immediately in the top of his fucking seeker?. Long live the net neutrality
By the way the image is its head:
Now we all know a little better “Googlebots” living in California. If you want to find out, please Support our busilis on Google+ https://plus.google.com/105692257451268496035
This has been our answer:
Google has achieved exactly the opposite effect to what was intended. This video has been the most watched of all we have published so far. Almost 12,000 people reached
Este contenido acaba de ser considerado spam por Google + infringiendo sus políticas. La brillante cabecita que ha hecho esa consideración, es posible que no se haya dado cuenta de que se trata de una denuncia de la violencia explícita promovida en un videojuego y por ello no me permite publicarlo en el perfil de Busilis.
Sin embargo en el mío personal sí:
Debe de ser menos spam dependiendo de como y quién lo publique.
Encima se permiten darte consejos sobre lo que debes de publicar. No se lo pierdan…
¿No será que cuando publicas algo en Google+ aparece inmediatamente en las primeras posiciones de su puto buscador?. ¡Viva la neutralidad de la red!
Por cierto, la imagen es de su cabecera:
Ya vamos conociendo todos mejor a los “googlebots” que viven en California. Si quereis que se enteren apoyad a Busilis en Google+
Esta ha sido nuestra respuesta:
Google ha conseguido exactamente el efecto contrario a lo que pretendía. Este vídeo ha sido el más visitado de todos los que hemos publicado hasta ahora. Casi 12.000 personas alcanzadas. ¡Gracias amigos!