Conversamos con Gan Ainm, Galumphing y El Intruso (Patterns y Auril). Tras esos enigmáticos nombres, descubrimos la apuesta sonora y también didáctica de Pedro López,
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Official Website – Music, Improvisation, Sound Art, Net Art
El Intruso is a collective artistic project for musical creation, production, management, and actions .
For about 10 years El Intruso has been developing its musical experience in the field of “sonic interaction” or improvisation. We began improvising as a band, and continue to do so often with guest artists, to whom we offer our interactive cohesion to collaborate in sessions with an audience.
Our approach, though stylistically far removed, functions similarly to one long used in Jazz: a group of very attuned musicians acts as a rhythmic section for different guest soloists. This working system is based on the existence of “standards” or harmonic structures in the form of songs, already known by accompanists and soloists, over which musicians improvise.
Conversamos con Gan Ainm, Galumphing y El Intruso (Patterns y Auril). Tras esos enigmáticos nombres, descubrimos la apuesta sonora y también didáctica de Pedro López,
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