El día 17 de enero de 2013, Radio Clásica celebró el Cumpleaños del Arte o Art’s Birthday, un evento que nos llegó gracias a la Unión Europea de Radiotelevisión. A través de los satélites ‘Haydn’ y ‘Liszt’ de la UER, se emiteron las diversas aportaciones de los países que conmemoran esta fiesta artística, ofreciendo sus ‘regalos sonoros’. La participación española ese año, estuvo a cargo del artista Pedro López, que ofreció en directo una mezcla en tiempo real de las señales recibidas desde tres emisoras de la ciudad de México D.F. Radio UNAM 96.1. FM; Ibero 90.9 FM y UAM Radio 94.1 FM cuya mezcla original pudo escucharse durante el I Encuentro de Arte Sonoro en Radio, celebrado en el jardín de la fonoteca nacional de Mexico en Octubre de 2012.
Este evento fué retransmitido por Radio Clásica a partir de las 23.00 horas del Jueves 17 de Enero y pudo escucharse en directo a través de este reproductor:
Y también en directo desde la UER a través del siguiente enlace.
El sello de modisti publicó en Noviembre de 2012 una edición cuadrafónica y estereofónica de dicho evento que puede ser descargada en este enlace
Radio station: Radio Clásica de RNE Venue/s of the event:Fonoteca Nacional de México/ Casa de la Radio RNE en Madrid
RESONOSER took part of the activities of RESONANTES, 1st. Ibero-American meeting of sound art in radio. Coming from a project by the mexican radio-artist Emiliano López Rascón, and coordinated by Pedro López and José Iges, RESONOSER invited to Iberoamerican sound and radio artists to participate in an experience of collective creation that essentially consisted of sharing recordings obtained in different geographic coordinates and made multiple versions or mixes, some of them as a radioperformance, held the 4th October at Fonoteca Nacional de Mexico in the context of the 9th International Biennial of Radio and using live three radio stations in Mexico City.
RESONOSER, as open and collaborative work, proposes a rich set of meanings and resonances encrypted in the idea of imagining new remixes; that each separate channel and its regions converge in a common space. It is a celebration of reflection and resonance, of harmonics generated by the otherness of the revocability of the fateful, that another mix is always possible. It is a point of departure and arrival, a one-way and return of the sound in their echoes and reverberations; in its rebounds and reflexes that return us to us on the other.
The new mix that Pedro Lopez will offer uses the original materials uploaded to Radioartnet by sixteen authors (all audios and its authors are in:http://resonoser.bandcamp.com/) and basically employs the live mixes made in the radioperformance by him and the sound artists Mauricio Prieto (Colombia), Rodrigo Sigal (México), Hernán Risso Patrón (Argentina) and Agustín Peña (México) (More info in: http://radioartnet.net/11/2012/11/13/radioperformances-resonoser/)
PEDRO LÓPEZ Indeterminate activity, improvisation, acoustic and electronic sounds to be analyzed and reproduced on invented instruments. Reuse of objects intended for the trash. Computer-aided design of sounds then transferred to a sampler for live use. Microphony and ‘real-time’ manipulation of electronic tapes with pedals, etc…
Member of improvisation groups Zyklus, Fases, Modisti, 2l2code, Scorecrackers, Leuclade, Slesh & El Intruso
Organizer of the I & II international festival of improvised music – Hurta Cordel. Director of the improvised music magazine Hurly-Burly, also writes for the magazines Margen, Noise Club & Revista de Occidente. He has been promoter of the CEDI & hurly burly virtual interactive creativity environment, and actually responsible of Modisti web site (http.modisti.com) as well as co-founder and webmaster of Radioartnet, site web and social network devoted to Radio Art.
LISTEN to EBU orbital space during the celebrations on the 17th January, from 19 to 23 hours GMT | LISZT

Time-slots HAYDN (GMT)• | Time-slots LISZT (GMT)• |
19:00 – 19:20 / YLE – Finnish Radio (live from Helsinki) | 19:05 – 19:10 / Swedish Radio (live from Stockholm) |
19:20 – 19:40 / Belgian Radio (live from Brussels) | 19:10 – 19:30 / Slovak Radio (live from Bratislava) |
19:40 – 20:00 / Swiss Radio (live from Lausanne) | 19:30 – 19:50 / Radio6 – Café Sonore (live from Hilversum) |
20:00 – 20:20 / ORF Kunstradio (live from Mistelbach) | 19:50 – 20:10 / Radio France (live from Paris) |
20:20 – 20:40 / Czech Radio 3 (live from Prague) | 20:10 – 20:30 / Croatian Radio (live from Zagreb) |
20:40 – 21:00 / Swiss Radio (live from Lausanne) | 20:30 – 20:50 / SWR (live from Karlsruhe) |
21:00 – 21:20 / Deutschlandradio Kultur (live from Berlin) | 20:50 – 21:10 / Radio Belgrade (live from Belgrade) |
21:20 – 21:40 / Mobile Radio (live from Bremen) | 21:10 – 21:30 / Radio Russia (live from Moscow) |
21:40 – 22:00 / Ward Weis (live from Antwerp) | 21:30 – 21:50 / SWR (live from Karlsruhe) |
22:00 – 22:20 / Deutschlandradio Kultur (live from Berlin) | 21:50 – 22:10 / Radio Romania (live from Bukarest) |
22:20 – 22:40 / ERR (live from Tallinn) | 22:10 – 22:30 / RNE (live from Madrid) |
22:40 – 23:00 / Absolute value of noise (live from Vencouver) | 22:30 – 22:55 / Swedish Radio (live from Stockholm) |